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Right:  This simple driveway project is an example of the difference a skilled machine operator makes.  This project started where a common driveway splits into two separate driveways.  Both driveways were built up using sand/clay mix on site.  We completed the left driveway ensuring it was very smooth, slightly crowned, and well compacted.  The result is a very stable driveway which requires little maintenance.  The driveway on the right was completed by the homeowner and is very wavy, not compacted or crowned correctly.  The resultant driveway is a mess when it rains, and rides rough when dry. 

Below:  This project started as a foundation removal.  The plan for this lot is new construction.  After removing the remaining foundation from an existing house, more than 100,000 pounds of compactable material was brought in and leveled making the site ready for excavation when the owner's blueprints are finalized. 

Leveled House Lot
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